


At our college we recognise the importance that STEM education is throughout a student's life, as it teaches them that the subjects ofSTEM.jpgScience Technology Engineering and Maths have value of their own, for both boys and girls.

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) touches every aspect of our lives, from our smartphones to the technologies that enable us to explore the world around us and outer space. It also drives innovation in our fast-changing global economy. To succeed in this environment and for Queensland to continue to prosper into the future, our students need a strong foundation in STEM.

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) touches every aspect of our lives, from our smartphones to the technologies that enable us to explore the world around us and outer space. It also drives innovation in our fast-changing global economy.

To succeed in this environment and for Queensland to continue to prosper into the future, our students need a strong foundation in STEM.

    We need a reliable pipeline of specialist STEM skills; but we also need informed workers, users and consumers who have the curiosity and imagination to be part of the broader STEM economy. This must be underpinned by lifetime engagement for all Australians with STEM, beginning in childhood and constantly renewed as knowledge and technologies expand.'

Office of the Chief Scientist STEM: Australia's Future, September 2014

The Advancing STEM in Queensland state primary schools initiative is an exciting opportunity for schools to improve STEM outcomes for students throughout Queensland. With employment in STEM growing two times faster than non-STEM occupations, these subjects are vital to our students learning and development and future endeavours.

From the outset, PSPC has been designed to develop our 21st century learners with the construction of a purpose built, standalone Science Lab. Along with our Technology Learning centre, our students have access to immersive rooms with expert teachers and the proper equipment to make the most of their learning in STEM.

More than 90% of Australia's current workforce will need digital skills to perform their roles in the next 2-5 years and 60% of Australian students are studying or training for jobs that will be largely automated in the near future. '
Foundation for Young Australians, 2015, The new work order: ensuring young Australians have skills and experience for the jobs of the future, not the past, 2015.


Our partnerships with our neighbouring high school PSSC and Griffith University, our students have access to learning alongside the leaders in the field. Our students participate in competitions, incursions and excursions with science and technology specialists.

Our focus is on hands on learning in Science, discovering the forces around us and our influence on the natural environment. Understanding how systems work and evolve through time. Our digital and design technologies develop students ability to create, connect and learn.

PSPC is a leader in STEM education and will continue to evolve to keep our students at the forefront of learning.

Last reviewed 07 November 2022
Last updated 07 November 2022