Thanks for dropping by and checking out our school. At Pimpama State Primary College, we acknowledge our local traditional owners and pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging.
My name is Dave Hartley and I am the proud Principal of Pimpama State Primary College (PSPC). I'm also a proud Barunggam man, my people coming from Chinchilla in Queensland's south-west. I began at PSPC in 2021 and I have led other Primary Schools and Central Office Divisions for the Queensland Department of Education.
Pimpama State Primary College opened in 2015 and we now have over 800 students that reside within our local catchment.
We're proud of our students, proud of our staff and proud of our local community. PSPC welcomes a rich and diverse background of students and families and we see this as one of our absolute strengths. Another one of our strengths is our dedicated staff that are relentlessly committed to improving outcomes for our kids.
If you're planning on enrolling your child at our school, I need you to understand and acknowledge that we have high expectations of student learning and standards of behaviour. Our students attend PSPC to get an excellent education and our staff take pride in their delivery of the Australian Curriculum. If you're prepared to work with us by supporting your child to work within the expectations of the Student Code of Conduct, we look forward to meeting with you.
Your child doesn't need a private education to get an excellent head start in life. State Schools are great schools and we look forward to yarning with you to discuss your child's future at PSPC.